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About organization


Global Wind Organization – is a non-profit organization founded by leading wind turbine manufacturers and operators. Together, the organization's members share occupational risk information and knowledge to create training standards that improve safety and build the competence of employees working in wind energy environments. Based on a long-standing collaboration, a training standard has been developed that successfully prepares workers to perform safe work around the world.


About training

The GWO training standard is developed in the form of modules that provide safety knowledge to employees in the areas of: working at height, first aid, fire awareness, manual handling and basic sea survival. The training standard is delivered in packages - 4 ONSHORE modules and 5 OFFSHORE modules, and it is also possible to attend individual modules without purchasing packages.

The training is designed for adults who want to start working in the wind energy industry, but also for people who want to keep their certificate valid for ongoing work.


Types of training


Certificate - WINDA system


Attendance at a training course is confirmed on the basis of active participation in the course and a positive assessment by the instructor in charge, and is recorded on the WINDA platform on the same day as the training course in question. The data contained in the WINDA system can be accessed from anywhere in the world after logging in by authorized bodies: persons with an account, training bodies registering the modules concerned and certification bodies.


According to the guidelines of the GWO training standard, no certification of successful completion of the training is required in the form of an electronic or paper certificate. Therefore, each participant who will be doing the training for the first time is obliged to set up his/her individual account in the WINDA system, the WINDA account number of the participant profile is only granted once. In the case of GWO renewal in the form of delivery of a BST-R training module, it is essential that the certificates held are valid. A delay of even one day will result in the need to repeat the training in the form of BST.

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